A silk accessory always brings a touch of originality and elegance to your outfits, whatever your morphology and your tastes. Today, we reveal you our tips to choose the right silk scarf that will surely please you and your loved one.
The color
Start by considering the color of the silk scarf.
As it is worn close to your face, it is important to choose a color that matches your skin tone. So, if you have a fair skin or a rosy complexion, choose scarves with dominant colors of navy blue, green, dark purple or pastel. If your skin tone is matte or dark, opt for a dominant of bright colors like red, orange or yellow.
At Petitjean Paris, we advise you, whatever your skin tone, to bet on bright colors to enhance your complexion and sublimate your outfit. Indeed, our Pas de deux pattern will bring light to your outfit. The combination of the patterns and the blue frame revisits the traditional silk scarf for a modern and colorful piece.

Wear our Silk Mini Carré Scarf Pas de deux cowboy-style.
If you like fantasy and originality, choose a scarf with geometric patterns and strong, bold colors.

Our silk carré scarf 34.5" Montmartre is worn as a necklace.
The dimensions of the carré scarf
From small to maxi size, choose it according to your style and your desires.
The mini scarf can be worn around your neck, in your hair or around your handbag. Tie your mini scarf in a point around your neck and wear it with a pretty white poplin shirt for a rock look. In your hair, wear it as a bandana for a bohemian touch. On nice days, you can also tie it around your bag so you can dress up your neck when it's cold in the evening. It's the elegant and versatile touch to your outfit that goes with every style and season. What will you like best?

Our carré scarf 29.5" Enchanted Wood and its bright colors.
The classic size, carré scarf 75 or 90, you can wear it as a necklace, as a tie for a more fashionable look, in your hair in summer or even as a top. This large size ensures an elegant look and protects you in all seasons. It's a great addition to your look and can be worn for any occasion. The Montpensier knot (as pictured below) protects your neck in the winter and brings softness in the heart of winter.

Our Auteuil February motif is available in Carré Scarf 34.5", Mini Carré Scarf and bracelet.
Thus, choose your silk scarf according to your project, your lifestyle and your morphology. It will illuminate you andand communicate your personality, your style and your way of being to others. You will be all the more sublime because it will be you. It's your turn!
Don't hesitate to consult our guides on how to wear your silk scarves and accessories according to their size:
6 original ways to wear a silk carré scarf | Petitjean Paris
3 silk accessories to be original | Petitjean Paris
See you soon,
Cécile, Team Petitjean Paris